COVID-19 Policies
We have always tried to maintain excellent standards for cleanliness at Indian Creek Therapeutics. At this time we have the following additional protocols in place to minimize risk for our clients and therapists:
Please wear a mask while inside our studio. We can provide a disposable mask if needed.
Please do not bring additional guests with you to your appointment.
We wipe down all “touch points” using CDC approved products between clients including door knobs, chairs, treatment table and any item or area that a client utilizes.
Merv14 filter in use between clients (and during your service at your request) to further purify air.
Contact tracing for all clients and a commitment to full transparency if one our clients contracts Covid-19.
Thank you for continuing to trust us as your establishment for high quality massage therapy and bodywork.
COvid-19 consent form
Please reschedule your appointment if you have any cold or flu symptoms OR if you knowingly have been exposed to anyone with
cold or flu symptoms.
I understand that massage therapy and hands on bodywork comes with inherent risk and it is impossible to negate all risk of exposure to
Covid-19 in this therapeutic setting.
I have not had any cold or flu symptoms including fever, sore throat or cough in the past two weeks.
I have not knowingly been exposed to anyone with cold or flue symptoms including fever, sore throat or cough in the past two weeks.
If I test positive for Covid-19 in the next two weeks, I will contact the staff of Indian Creek Therapeutics in order to alert other clients of possible exposure.